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Garage Gym Athlete

Jun 29, 2022

Strict press can be one of the hardest movements to improve on and one that a lot of athletes struggle to increase. Here to talk about out TOP 4 tips to incase your press.

Jun 27, 2022

This week we are looking at a study on motivation, intrinsic motivation verses extrinsic an creating autonomous athletes. This is great from a coaching perspective but also for athletes.

Jun 24, 2022

We talk about nutrition a lot on here, but what is clean eating? what should you be eating? Why?

Jun 22, 2022

On to our last energy system, the phosphagen energy system. This one is all about power and max effort. Many athlete will do these and feel they havnt done much work or was very hard because the work to rest ratios are so high. Check out this video for more on that and how to program it.

Jun 20, 2022

These webinars are good for current and new athlete. Here we break down each training track we have and what the focus will be for the next 12 weeks. This is also how we deliver big updates and reminders to things we have going on.